Thursday, March 17, 2016

Light and Shade Studies

During this semi-project, I learned how the human brain uses various aspects of the information in front of us to piece together an understanding of where we are in space compared to other objects. The brain utilizes light, shade, size, and the differences between the two images produced by our eyes to create one, three dimensional image in our mind. As artists, we can try to recreate, by using different pigments, the illusion of such an image by imitating the light, shade, and size to trick others' brains into thinking it is real. I already knew some of the patterns of shade and size although I have not had much experience looking at the way that light bounces from surfaces so I found this very useful in expanding my knowledge of light's properties. I hope that this will, in the long run, help me to become a better artist.

1 comment:

  1. Nice studies and good comments. The main reason light and shade makes us think we are seeing something three-dimensional is that we assume the object is a uniform color and that the reason color appears to change is that it must be three-dimensional.
