Monday, May 23, 2016

Final Project 2

I forgot to take another picture so the one from earlier will have to do for now...

At first, I wanted to do a drawing of my father shooting one of his rifles, as it is a hobby of his while drawing is somewhat of a hobby of mine. I also would have thought it interesting to try to draw the intense shift from light to shade as his front half is illuminated with the muzzle flash. This idea was quickly shot down by my mother, however, so I decided instead to draw my mother also drawing seeing that it is a shared interest between the two of us. This would also allow me to work on my facial recreation skills that were lacking since I spent the previous decade or so just drawing still lives or objects. So far I have established the majority of the face and while it is not quite exact, it is, to her son, recognizably alike to the original. I have also added details to the hands and started on shading the fabric about her shoulders. The shirt underneath is relatively smooth so that will not be as much of a challenge although the folds are a small bit more difficult. If I run out of the time allotted for the class work, I plan to bring it home and work from there to finish it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Final Project

I decided to draw a picture of my mother drawing. This would take into account the skills that I acquired this past year concerning faces as well as my more comfortable method of art, drawing. I have done a very quick sketch over my final paper and plan to fill it in, eventually becoming my final project.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Self Portrait Painting

In this project, we were told to put together all of the painting skills that we had learned previously. I could have done this if it were a drawing but painting makes the task much more difficult for me, personally. I find I am much less able to find the right shade or color when painting. I also, as I was unable to make a sketch before starting, made the proportions wrong so I had to redo the head and the eyes. I still have to make alterations to the entire face since some sizes or colors are still off. I did not find the first step of just putting on brown paint very useful although I understand why we did it. This has not been my most successful piece of work, which is understandable since I have rarely painted in the past.